The purpose of this research is to study how the variables that influence the value of Industrial Extension Functional Officers (PFPP) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Exogenous variables used in this study are entrepreneurial attitudes, organizational culture and individual commitment. This study uses data obtained by sending questionnaires to 350 PFPPs, and returning as many as 191 questionnaires and is considered capable of representing the PFPP population. This study used survey research methods, and causal relationship studies, by researching and analyzing direct relationships that go in the same direction or called causal relationships, both directly and indirectly, using Path Analysis Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM) -PLS) uses SmartPLS software version 2.0.M3.
The results showed that entrepreneurial attitude had a significant positive direct effect on individual PFPP commitment values ??and also had a significant positive effect on OCB PFPP values. Likewise, organizational culture variables have also been shown to have a positive and significant influence on the value of individual commitments and negatively affect the PFPP OCB value. The individual commitment variable itself has also been shown to have a significant and positive influence on OCB PFPP values. Effects of Individual Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior have also been shown to have positive and significant effects on OCB when through individual commitment. While organizational culture also has a significant negative effect on OCB through individual commitment.